Travel Warning to Noncitizens Traveling Near Northern Border

The New York Times recently ran an article that highlights a concern that many New York immigration lawyers have been aware of for many years.  Most people know that the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency is responsible for maintaining the border crossing integrity of the United States.  However, in an effort of maintaining border integrity, the CBP often questions individuals who are already in the United States but are within 100 miles of the border.File:CBP Officer Badge.jpg

This policy has resulted in the CBP often asking individuals to provide immigration documents while on trains, at bus stations or even driving while within 100 miles of the border.  The article highlights the downsides of the CBP’s policy.  Namely, many believe the questioning amounts to racial profiling and police state tactics.

Noncitizens without readily transparent documentation should read the article and take appropriate steps if they plan to travel within 100 miles of the border.

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